Thursday, February 5, 2009

What a day

Today was one of those days that I wanted to sit down and do nothing all day, but that did not happen. I had Justice my wonderful son, Damian my awesome nephew and things to do. We had to go to walmart, take Aaron his coffee, take miss hazel her mail, make some deliveries and do the normal things of the day. While all along I wanted to come home and crawl into my bed and never get out, but that does not happen I am a mom, what mom do you know that gets to sleep in and do nothing some days. Well not at least this one. Sleeping in for me is 6:45 am. Justice likes to go to bed early and get up early and if I keep him up late he gets up even earlier.
Other than that our day was pretty normal. Nothing to excting. Tomorrow will be about the same with deliveries and so on.
I have been trying really hard to get my cookie lee business going which is taking more time at night but that is alright, I what I do because it means that I get to stay home with my little man.


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