Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today is one of those days that I just want to lay around the house. Me and justice have not done much of anything today and I am going to keep it that way. I am tired and I just feel drained. I am not so sure why but I am. I do have a party this week so I need to get things ready for that and for justice to go to the grandparents and my avon order is due tonight but I think I will worry about all of that later.
Yesterday me and justice played outside all day. He was playing with the water facet and a bucket and he had so much fun. I do not mind letting him play in the water. We played in the back yard since that is where he wanted to be, we normally do not play back there because the big dogs bark the whole time, but the actually stopped barking after a while. Justice and puppy ran around the yard and played in the water. I just sat in the grass and watched him and really enjoyed myself. I love those moments in time where you can just sit and watch your child play.
When Aaron got home from work last night, justice did his normal rockie with me then cuddle with daddy and just went back and forth. Then it was off to bed, not a peep out of my little man. It was amazing. He must have been whiped because one of us always has to go in there at least once if not multiple times.


Natalie said...

It is amazing how playing outside all day can wear them out. I like the new blog look!

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