Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies

My son had never watched Care Bears until I was asked to review this movie. He asks to watch Care Bears now. Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies comes with eight never seen before released episodes for the all-new adventures among the clouds and rainbows of Care-a-lot. this DVD includes themes of emotional intelligence that helps kids develop and are mom friendly. The lessons that Care Bears:Tell -Tale Tummies include are honesty, integrity, and telling the truth.The episodes on this DVD and some show highlights are:

  • The Tell-Tale Tummy:
  • Oopsy, the Hero:
  • Bumbleberry Jammed:
  • Desperately Seeking Mr. Beaks:
  • King of the Gobblebugs:
  • Bad News:
  • Tour de Farce:
  • No-Snow Day:
I loved care bears as a child and learned wonderful lessons back then so I am happy to see that they are still making these wonderful movies that are entertaining, but yet also teaches them good things to do and be.

The DVD features Direct-Play, so that children can play the DVD without the assistance of a parent. It is available starting today, June 9th, for the suggested retail price of $14.98. It has an 88 minute running time.


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