Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What a day

Sorry I have not posted in a while, trying to get some things up and going for reviews and giveaways and had a lot of work to catch up on this weekend

Today was a alright day. We stayed home and cuddled most of the day since I had a migraine all day long. It was so nice to spend the day with my little man and not do much of anything. Later in the day Chad the neighbor not came over to play whom is 7 then I had Chris who is 13 and Cody whom is 14 all came over to play with justice it was load and very chaotic in my house and it did not help that I had a headache but justice was having fun so that is all that matters. Tonight was also pot roast night where I make post roast and our friends come over eat with us and watch a movie tonight there was nine of us for Dinner and dessert and then four of us will watch the movie. I like these nights and justice had to have all of our friends tick him in tonight to bed it was so cute.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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