Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesdays adventures

Today was a wonderful day with me little man. We played outside, made Avon deliveries and just did mommy and son things. It is so nice that Justice is feeling so much better and it chicken pox are almost gone. Every day that that I spend with my son it makes me so thankful that I am a mom. I also wonder every day what I did before I was a mom, it seems like was not complete until I become a mom to the worlds most wonderful little man. I am thankful for everyday that god has given me with my son. Justice looks like me his momma and acts most of the time Just like his daddy. He is sweet, stubborn, has to get his way,he is loving, funny, very caring and has the best memory I have seen in a little boy. I would not change a thing about him and I love every quality that my son has.


Natalie said...

I am glad he is feeling better! We would have loved to have you at the party Saturday if only we lived closer to each other.

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