Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday started off like any other day, daddy was hunting and me and Justice were hanging out at home. He ate like he always does and when daddy got home he wanted to go out and see him so we did. Justice played outside for quit a while before I brought him in to get cleaned up so that we could go down to Aaron's parents for dinner. When I came in to change his clothes I noticed that he was covered in hives, so off to the doctors. They gave him benadril which worked but we are not sure what he is allergic to which sucks because I would like to know so that we do not go through that again. It was not fun for him or me because he was covered they did go away as fast as they came on though which was nice, so we then went down to the parents for dinner.
Sunday we got up and went to church which I love to do because our church is nice and I really like pastor grant. After church off to nana and poppas for lunch and to play while momma works. The same thing that happens every sunday. Justice had fun and I got a lot of work done for my mom.
Monday we made some avon deliveries and hung around the house.
Today is the same as monday nothing too exciting going on and I think it will turn out to be a pretty normal day.


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