Thursday, March 12, 2009

Busy weeks ahead

Toay has started out pretty normal other than I took down the baby gate to keep Justice out of Adina's room. I only had it up when he first started to crawl and now it is time for it to come down. Adina is not happy about this because now Justice can go in there when ever he wants but it had to come down. It drives me nuts and she never cleans under it so it gets grosse. I decided that it was time since it was something that I have wanted to do for a long time.
I am really busy this next week and the following and will be leaving Justice with family so that I can go do my parties for my new company. I am scared but I know he will be fine, it is just that I do not leave him anywhere that often and Tuesday, Wednesday next week he will have to go somewhere and saturday he will stay home with daddy since I am in a fashion show. Then the next week he will be with someone Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and part of saturday. That is a lot of days but at least he is not in daycare.
Last night our friend Donny came over for dinner, we had a nice time visting and having dinner that him and I cooked. Today me and Justice are just going to stay home as I have a lot of work to do and I would really like to deep clean my house, if at all possible. I am not sure how much of that I will accomplish with little man running around the house but we will see what I can get done. I am also taking care of my neighbors dogs, cats and fish while she is out of town. I will also get her mail and take her garbage out for her since she will be gone almost a week. I also take the little old lady down the road from me her mail everyday so I would say that I am pretty busy right now, but I do not mind, it is better than being bored all day long.
Our sink broke yesterday and that was not fun since I could not use the kitchen sink all day long, you never know how much you use something until you can not any more. Aaron got that fixed when he got home from work yesterday. Thank goodness because I was going nuts not being able to take care of the dishes or anything like that.
Well I need to go and fold the 4 loads of laundry on my bed and put in my avon order before it gets to late.


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